Saturday, January 6, 2007

A Look Back

I've recently been informed by a good friend who is also an experienced blogger (Hi Brad!) that it's a tradition to write a review of the past year on or around January 1st. I'm about a week late, but what the heck. Looking back on the year that was 2006, I have to say it was an amazing time for me. 2006 was my first full year in Charleston, and I've never regretted my decision to move down here. In fact, I'm convinced now more than ever that leaving Boston was absolutely the best thing for me although I DO miss Anna's Taqueria, the T (can you believe it?), walking along the Charles, The Garment District and that weird little store on Newbury Street with the gargoyles. Charleston's been incredibly good to me though. I've made some super cool friends (Shout Outs to: Eliza! Brad! Rani! Kevin! Jacob! Zhareen! Jacob #2! Chris! and Michael!), and as soon as I fix up my apartment, it'll be the best pad I've ever had. Dudley taught me that everything I ever knew about cats did not apply to him. I discovered places in Charleston to love... Raval, 52.5, the top of the Bridge with its panoramic view of downtown, Sullivan's Island, the quiet little park off of Broad, Fast & French, Pet Helpers and walking down my street at dusk. I was given an incredible opportunity to write a regular column in the "Oldest Newspaper in the South," which in turn gave me the confidence to contact other publications about writing for them. I was able to see my family more than I thought. I traveled. I climbed a mountain (see picture). 2006 wasn't all hearts and flowers though. I had (minor) surgery, treated someone to a shopping spree around Charleston to the tune of $2800 and lost the person I considered to be my best friend for reasons I still don't know. 2007 has a lot to live up to, but I'm looking forward to seeing what the year will bring. Life is an adventure. The fun part is seeing where it takes us next.


steve said...

How's come nobody ever gives one of these 'shout-out's to me? I don't think I've ever received one. Am I not cool?

brian said...

Where's my "shout-out"? Can I have one in your next posting?

I think it's a better tradition to come up with a year end list. Top 10 albums, movies, books. Something easily digestible. None of this "review of the past year" b.s ;)