Friday, January 26, 2007

Beating Up on a Dead Guy... Nice.

Am I the only one who's sick of Steve Irwin yet? Everytime I turn on the Animal Planet (favorite shows: "Growing Up..." and "Animal Cops"), there's another airing of the Special dedicated to his work and legacy or the last film he made with one of the Cousteaus before he died. He's on the cover of People Magazine's Yearbook of 2006, and there's a book (and probably more than one) coming out about his life. His wife has made the rounds on all the talk shows, and his daughter, Bindi, is apparently going to carry on the Irwin name as a naturalist and television personality. She's eleven, by the way. Here's my beef. Steve Irwin was reckless with his life and would do anything for a good photo op. Anyone remember the scene with the baby and the crocodile? Michael Jackson was villified for pulling a similar stunt, yet this guy is practically being nominated for sainthood. I also objected to the way he interacted with wild animals, disrupting them in their natural habitat and causing undue stress on them instead of observing from a safe distance. His programs were less about the animals and more about his theatrics and getting the "money shot." He was like the circus guy who sticks his head in a lion's mouth for a crowd reaction. Cheap thrills. Yes he died in a freak accident. It's sad. But tragic? I don't think so. So, people, it's time to let Steve Irwin go. Just like Tupac and Kurt Cobain. RIP.

1 comment:

brian said...

Crikey! I love the Croc Hunter! If God didn't want us disturbing the natural habitats of these animals he would have placed them higher up on the food chain.

'Course, I'm joking.

I respect everything Steve Irwin did for conservation of natural habitats in Australia, but agree that the spectacle became about him far too often. However, he did promote awareness & You could tell that he had a genuine love for every animal he dealt with. That aspect was a bit refreshing. I guess that makes him like the annoying aunt that would smother you in hugs and kisses while poking your head with a bushy stick.

Wait a minute??? He died!?