Sunday, January 14, 2007

Give Peace a Chance

So yesterday was the first Saturday I didn't have to work in AGES, and it was really nice. I had lunch (Cru Cafe... their 4 cheese macaroni is out of this world) with an old friend who was in town for a wedding, did some window shopping, took a nap with Dudley and went to the Terrace where the documentary, "The US vs. John Lennon" had just opened the night before. It was fantastic and totally relevant to the political situation we find ourselves in today. The Beatles were coming to an end, and Lennon had found a freedom to say and do whatever he wanted through his relationship with Yoko Ono. Increasingly, he was compelled to speak out against the Vietnam War, both in interviews and in his music. The documentary deals with how Lennon was targeted by J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI because of his anti-war sentiment, but despite having his phones tapped and the threat of deportation, Lennon never lost sight of his goal which was an end to the War. The documentary gives an insightful look at this turbulent time through interviews with Walter Kronkite, Ron Kovic, Carl Bernstein, Angela Davis, Gore Vidal, Bobby Seale, Noam Chomsky, George McGovern, John Sinclair (the funniest segment in the film), Yoko Ono and many others who not only lived the 60's and early 70's but were on the front lines of a revolution that was happening in this country. The parallels to today are obvious.

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