Friday, July 6, 2007

43 Things

A while ago, I came across an article about this website called 43 Things, and I was really intrigued. The premise is that, in a person's lifetime, it's possible to achieve a certain number of goals. Some can be silly, some serious, some truly life-changing. After I read the article, though, I promptly forgot about wanting to check out 43 Things... until today. So I signed up, and right now I'm trying to come up with my list of 43 attainable goals. #1 on my list- Ride a Mechanical Bull. Yee-Ha!


brian said...

Riding a mechanical bull is #1 on the list? That's pretty interesting. I'm sure the Charleston bars are filled with the things.

Rebekah Bradford said...

I don't think 43 Things lists them in order of importance, just 43 random things you want to do. Anyway, I missed a golden opportunity in college. There was a bar called Bubba n'Bucks (this was the South during the Garth Brooks era) that was popular for a while. I never went, but I bet they had a mechanical bull.