Thursday, June 21, 2007

This One's for the Guys, So Pay Attention

I've come out of semi-retirement to write this post. Listen up...

If you see a woman walking alone late at night, chances are that she won't appreciate some red-neck asshole yelling, "Nice ass!" out the window of a rusted-out pickup truck. Just leave her alone. Same thing with a woman struggling with a heavy tote bag and several plastic bags of groceries in the Harris Teeter parking lot. Don't pull up in your 80's-era Corolla and hollar, "Hey, sweetheart, want a ride?" Even if her arm feels like it's about to fall off, she's not going to take you up on the offer unless she wants to be robbed at gunpoint, raped in the back of the car and have her body dumped on the side of the road. Which she doesn't, so leave her alone. Ditto when you see a woman out running. I mean, did you learn nothing from your mothers? Respecting a woman sometimes means keeping your mouth shut. And if you have a hard time resisting the urge to wolf-whistle at a woman, imagine for a moment your sister, mother or daughter having to put up with the same abuse. It's not fun. It's not flattering.



brian said...

Why do I get the feeling you are talking directly to me? I can't help it if a woman has a nice ass. You would think she'd appreciate the compliment as I zoom by in my '73 Camaro. Sheesh!

Rebekah Bradford said...

What if the shoe was on the other foot, hmm? What if a woman yelled, "Nice ass!" at you while you were walking to the T. Oh, wait. You'd probably like that.

brian said...

Um, yeah...that's probably not the best example.