Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Farewell Beantown

Well it's time once again to say farewell to Boston. In two hours I leave for Logan Airport on my way back to Charleston, SC after being here for a week. It's been fun. Highlights include...

1. Taking the ferry out to the Harbour Islands (Georges was my favorite) on a gorgeous day and having an amazing view of the entire Boston skyline from the water.

2. My great friend Kerry coming up from Westerly, RI and whiling away a couple hours in the MFA, one of my favorite museums ever. Except we never did find that little Egyptian head that's supposed to be so incredible. We did on the other hand see a necklace made of crack vials and syringes. Nice.

3. Poker Night at Dan's. "Pass the Trash" is the bomb. I also had 4 large gin & tonics without feeling a thing, so either my tolerance for alcohol has reached unprecedented levels or Dan serves the weakest gin & tonics in the history of bartending. Brian, on the other hand, needed some help getting home.

4. The Police show at Fenway Park on Saturday night. It was AMAZING as you can read for yourself in the posting down below. I have to give a major shout-out to my brother who scored the most fricking great tickets I've ever had. Six rows back on the field. I'm still in shock.

5. Mt. Auburn Cemetery. Incredibly I'd never been before, but it's got the most unbelievable view of Boston from its tower. A full 360 degrees. Plus a hit parade of 19th- early 20th century luminaries... B.F. Skinner, Buckminster Fuller, Mary Baker Edy, Longfellow, Isabella Stewart Gardner, Winslow Homer. The list goes on. And, I saw a coyote.

6. Tullio's in Quincy, my absolute favorite restaurant in the metro area. If you go, get the Penne with Grilled Chicken. You won't be disappointed.

7. Newport. Went to go surfing, but the waves were tiny. Like they've been all week. Luckily, there's so much else to do in Newport.


1. Have a burrito at Anna's Taqueria... now that really is a bummer.
2. Go surfing... see above.
3. Spend more time with friends
4. Climb Mt. Washington... this is my Everest. One of these days...
5. Tanglewood... I had to get my culture elsewhere.


Kerry said...

Thank You for including me in your best memories of Boston! and #2 no less:) By the way I did some research and the egyptian head is called the "Josephson Head" you can view it at MFA collections online. And I hate to say that I do remember walking right by it:( There is always next time! Had A Blast, glad we could do it.

brian said...

I was completely sober after poker. It was great to see you and Kerry. Maybe we can all play online poker sometime?

Rebekah Bradford said...

Better yet, let's all go to Atlantic City. We'd all have to wear track suits though to fit in.