Friday, August 10, 2007

Hipster is the New Yuppie

Wow. I can write in pink now. Cool. Okay, today's topic has to do with Hipsters. It's come up a couple times in conversations recently with everyone denying being a hipster but pointing out someone who is. I got to thinking... what if Hipster was the new Yuppie. Back in the gloriously-greedy 80's, we all knew who the yuppies were, but you never heard anybody refer to themselves as a yuppie. Hipster, like yuppie, is a slur. It's said sneeringly. With contempt. So imagine my shock when a friend casually called me a Hipster which, of course, I vehemently denied. Ok, yes, I work at Urban Outfitters, but we all know that place is full of wannabe Hipsters which is so much worse. Anyway, I've made a list of why I'm not a Hipster just so there's no confusion.

1. I don't read 'zines.
2. I don't drink Red Bull or Rip It.
3. I don't wear skinny jeans or Chucks.
4. I'm not on MySpace.
5. I'm not an acolyte of Bukowski, Palahniuk or Vonnegut.
6. I don't have any tattoos.
7. Or piercings.
8. Or have an ironic new-wave haircut.
9. I don't shop at American Apparel.
10. I don't really like the White Stripes.

Hope that clears things up.


brian said...

Yeah, but everyone is into those ten things you mentioned. So, the fact that you are against them makes you a hipster. Or, over 50.

brian said...

Also, lose the pink. It hurts mine eyes.

Rebekah Bradford said...

I disagree. The fact that I'm against those things makes me a nonconformist, you hipster scum! And I like the pink. It's pretty.

Kerry said...

Once upon a time I thought of myself as a hipster. During the ages 17-23, I was the coolest thing going(at least I thought so, thus making me a hipster) I have to disagree with your list partly because I like a lot of those items but mostly because what makes a real hipster is the fact that those kinds of people religiously subscribe to only those types of things. They only listen to certain bands or wear certain clothes or hang out in certain clubs with others who are exactly like them. They don't concern themselves with different interests. Thankfully we get older and realize there is more out there. Our eyes open and we find ourselves branching out to many different outlets. Thus is why I am no longer a hipster, nor would I ever call you one.

Kerry said...

p.s the pink hurts my eyes too! Sorry!!!!

F-Stop said...

You're all hipsters!

(I like the pink)

steve said...

what's a hipster, again?

steve said...

It's awfully late. I'm going to bed.