Saturday, March 3, 2007

Mea Culpa

To all 2 of you who actually read this blog, I feel an apology is needed. I've been M.I.A. for the past week, and I have no good excuse except that I'm completely obsessed with a little thing called Yelp. I feel like I've been running around with something younger and racier behind my blog's back, and I know I need to stop because eventually I'm going to get caught, but I just can't. Not yet. So, accept this apology and know that I will come back. Soon.


brian said...

I really don't understand what makes Yelp so great. Are you sure you haven't been logged into World of Warcraft for the past week and a half???

Rebekah Bradford said...

Hey! You're about to be erased as my Yelp friend if you don't kick it in gear and do something with your profile. Kerry's on it now, and it's fun. Maybe if you weren't obsessively reviewing your Netflix movies....

brian said...

I don't get Yelp though. Why is it so cool? What's the point of it? You are losing touch with reality.

brian said...

I realize you no longer post on this blog because you and all of your other yelp-ing friends are just too cool, but anyway, I wanted to let you know that I purchased the new Arcade Fire CD. It's called Neon Bible. I know you didn't think much of the first album, but I can't imagine you not falling in love with this one. Give it a try.

Rebekah Bradford said...

I've actually heard the new Arcade Fire. We got it at Urban to play in the store. It's good. I'm also listening to Albert Hammond, jr's solo cd, "Yours to Keep." He's in the Strokes.

steve said...

Personally, I was enjoying the break. Seems like all I ever do anymore is post comments here